Saddles for motorcycles (incl. mopeds)$840$269$125$942$356$413$574
Parts & accessories of motorcycles (incl. mopeds), other than saddles$5,895$28,163$13,566$21,423$10,803$15,314$14,442
Parts & accessories of carriages for disabled persons$59$14 $49$593$71$958
Frames & forks, & parts thereof , for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorc ...$599$3,226$1,310$5,832$2,947$1,533$583
Wheel rims & spokes, for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorcycles & moped ...$2,188$6,088$2,546$3,602$1,512$2,062$9,021
Hubs (excl. coaster braking hubs & hub brakes) & free-wheel sprocket-wheels ...$551$1,524$632$1,837$1,137$72$763
Brakes, incl. coaster braking hubs & hub brakes, & parts thereof , for vehi ...$2,654$3,730$1,939$3,556$2,596$3,112$2,309
Saddles for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorcycles & mopeds)$1,117$799$571$3,199$290$487$2,423
Pedals & crank-gear, & parts thereof (excl. motorcycles & mopeds)$4,673$6,371$4,170$6,508$19,568$12,895$9,259
Parts & accessories of the vehicles of 87.11-87.13, n.e.s. in 87.14$25,986$41,196$22,599$40,869$12,278$19,928$30,363