Saddles for motorcycles (incl. mopeds)$67,519$328,103$301,948
Parts & accessories of motorcycles (incl. mopeds), other than saddles$11,676,890$28,931,505$34,006,245
Parts & accessories of carriages for disabled persons$73,470$202,618$478,188
Frames & forks, & parts thereof , for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorc ...$1,028,607$2,804,437$509,949
Wheel rims & spokes, for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorcycles & moped ...$1,258,548$4,272,433$5,435,457
Hubs (excl. coaster braking hubs & hub brakes) & free-wheel sprocket-wheels ...$580,016$741,129$913,980
Brakes, incl. coaster braking hubs & hub brakes, & parts thereof , for vehi ...$435,476$1,183,566$1,431,173
Saddles for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorcycles & mopeds)$464,800$531,198$506,416
Pedals & crank-gear, & parts thereof (excl. motorcycles & mopeds)$449,783$422,332$784,242
Parts & accessories of the vehicles of 87.11-87.13, n.e.s. in 87.14$4,324,527$10,542,674$6,848,906