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Home > Portugal > Millenium Development Goals

YearValueChangeCumulative ChangeFootnotesType
199137.03   C
19922.7-92.71 %-92.71 % C
199387.713,148.52 %136.86 % C
1994201.53129.77 %444.23 % C
1995102.37-49.20 %176.45 % C
199683.96-17.98 %126.74 % C
1997108.0528.69 %191.79 % C
199840.94-62.11 %10.56 % C
1999134.06227.45 %262.03 % C
2000225.5268.22 %509.02 % C
200134.23-84.82 %-7.56 % C
200217.28-49.52 %-53.34 % C
20033073.61 %-18.98 % C
2004746.632,388.77 %1,916.28 % C

Target 13. Address the special needs of the least developed countries

Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development


C - Country Data. The figure is the one produced and disseminated by the country (including data adjusted BY THE COUNTRY to meet international standards)



Source: United Nations Statistics Division - Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of February 15, 2007

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