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Limestone And Dolomite Sold Or Used By Producers In 2015, By State And Use

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(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars)
Concrete aggregate Bituminous aggregate Roadstone and coverings Riprap and railroad ballast Other construction uses
State   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value
Alabama W W W W 764 11,100 W W 5,820 66,100
Alaska -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Arizona -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Arkansas 295 2,450 542 4,690 1,080 7,030 73 701 1,780 14,100
California -- -- -- -- W W W W 140 1,520
Colorado W W -- -- W W W W 95 307
Connecticut 9 130 6 84 8 27 -- -- -- --
Delaware W W W W W W W W W W
Florida 7,640 93,800 12,100 207,000 4,820 39,000 111 1,830 10,000 70,900
Georgia W W W W W W W W 825 9,770
Hawaii -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Idaho -- -- W W 34 191 -- -- -- --
Illinois 4,260 46,900 10,100 122,000 3,570 29,300 583 7,710 5,290 47,500
Indiana 2,830 25,000 8,280 64,500 5,660 41,500 1,310 11,100 2,780 17,500
Iowa 1,020 14,000 587 7,260 3,780 40,800 134 2,560 2,170 23,100
Kansas W W 805 8,880 1,620 12,400 33 424 1,060 9,020
Kentucky 2,590 25,300 5,690 60,600 3,170 31,600 543 5,690 7,250 64,400
Louisiana W W W W W W W W W W
Maine 48 252 -- -- 20 124 -- -- -- --
Maryland 2,420 30,500 2,800 37,600 1,190 13,700 W W 1,470 11,500
Massachusetts 101 917 56 506 -- -- -- -- 93 1,250
Michigan 773 5,790 2,460 32,700 401 2,990 49 813 1,150 8,440
Minnesota 200 2,420 31 307 327 3,840 51 1,550 201 2,100
Mississippi2 W W W W W W W W 413 11,400
Missouri 2,520 22,400 2,280 22,700 4,540 27,800 1,900 11,500 1,990 14,600
Montana -- -- W W W W W W 28 440
Nebraska W W W W W W W W 843 5,730
Nevada -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
New Hampshire -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
New Jersey -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
New Mexico 281 3,700 589 2,060 W W 5 125 126 962
New York 2,930 40,700 3,240 43,500 631 6,400 324 5,840 3,490 34,500
North Carolina -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
North Dakota -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Ohio 1,580 13,900 9,130 91,800 3,280 27,700 395 4,770 10,700 89,800
Oklahoma 1,370 15,500 1,660 18,100 6,920 65,900 409 7,440 5,350 43,900
Oregon -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- W W
Pennsylvania 3,760 43,700 7,000 84,700 6,540 75,400 341 4,280 2,650 18,200
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
South Carolina -- -- W W W W -- -- 126 1,310
South Dakota -- -- -- -- W W W W 15 62
Tennessee 2,680 38,500 7,410 113,000 1,550 19,100 135 1,780 12,000 135,000
Texas 5,440 56,600 11,500 203,000 7,610 53,800 752 8,640 20,900 267,000
Utah -- -- W W 4 16 1 9 -- --
Vermont W W W W 120 781 W W 382 3,120
Virginia 678 9,310 1,390 17,900 739 8,260 136 2,280 1,280 16,500
Washington -- -- W W W W -- -- 1 18
West Virginia 315 4,330 940 11,500 727 7,640 97 2,120 1,190 18,300
Wisconsin 129 766 55 363 2,460 15,400 135 817 2,100 11,200
Wyoming 209   2,020   --   --   W   W   7   73   227   1,110
Total 44,100 499,000 88,600 1,160,000 61,500 542,000 7,530 82,000 104,000 1,020,000
Total withheld 2,920   37,700   6,720   99,900   1,750   19,200   257   3,990   2,580   61,900
Grand total 47,000 537,000 95,300 1,260,000 63,300 561,000 7,790 86,000 107,000 1,080,000
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 11-Continued
(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars)
Cement manufacture Agricultural uses Lime manufacture Other uses Total
State   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value
Alabama W W W W 7,050 64,300 10,300 118,000 32,100 347,000
Alaska -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Arizona W W -- -- -- -- W W 3,610 31,400
Arkansas W W 98 813 W W 7,750 64,100 13,900 104,000
California 6,240 12,200 8 138 W W 9,860 57,800 16,600 75,000
Colorado -- -- -- -- -- -- 427 5,000 782 8,200
Connecticut -- -- -- -- -- -- 994 15,600 1,020 15,800
Delaware W W W W W W W W (3) (3)
Florida 5,360 23,700 434 3,790 -- -- 20,100 251,000 60,500 691,000
Georgia 939 8,280 -- -- -- -- 2,570 35,800 5,960 79,300
Hawaii -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Idaho -- -- W W -- -- 50 1,760 160 4,660
Illinois W W 1,720 16,300 -- -- W W 54,000 566,000
Indiana W W 1,540 10,800 W W 24,900 199,000 49,300 379,000
Iowa W W 935 9,370 W W 25,800 262,000 35,800 365,000
Kansas W W 84 563 -- -- 10,700 99,200 16,600 153,000
Kentucky W W 392 2,450 W W 32,800 297,000 54,300 499,000
Louisiana W W W W W W W W (3) (3)
Maine 537 1,810 -- -- -- -- 949 7,910 1,550 10,100
Maryland W W W W -- -- 1,880 22,400 13,500 133,000
Massachusetts -- -- -- -- W W W W 1,840 28,100
Michigan 4,440 10,000 W W W W 14,800 114,000 27,200 197,000
Minnesota -- -- 101 845 -- -- 2,080 23,000 2,990 34,000
Mississippi2 -- -- W W -- -- 725 21,000 1,880 54,600
Missouri 7,790 32,400 475 2,660 9,510 48,400 35,200 281,000 66,200 463,000
Montana W W W W W W 242 2,060 2,030 20,700
Nebraska W W W W W W 4,450 56,100 7,550 93,500
Nevada W W W W W W 1,880 8,870 3,470 29,500
New Hampshire -- -- -- -- -- -- 34 318 34 318
New Jersey -- -- -- -- -- -- 485 4,410 485 4,410
New Mexico 544 4,800 -- -- -- -- W W 2,450 19,200
New York -- -- 53 573 W W W W 31,700 366,000
North Carolina -- -- -- -- -- -- 3,130 50,100 3,130 50,100
North Dakota -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Ohio 1,180 9,950 389 4,350 -- -- 31,800 281,000 58,500 523,000
Oklahoma 1,900 11,100 244 2,430 W W W W 31,300 271,000
Oregon 1,030 4,530 W W -- -- -- -- W W
Pennsylvania 2,980 30,100 215 3,000 W W W W 62,000 807,000
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
South Carolina 2,480 6,830 W W -- -- 2,060 25,400 5,200 38,300
South Dakota 851 2,490 -- -- 781 5,470 697 5,260 2,370 13,700
Tennessee W W 149 2,180 -- -- W W 39,400 503,000
Texas 13,900 74,000 864 13,400 W W W W 147,000 1,460,000
Utah 1,760 7,560 W W W W 2,730 24,000 5,760 41,100
Vermont -- -- W W -- -- 1,700 17,500 2,320 22,500
Virginia -- -- 578 14,600 -- -- 9,860 158,000 14,700 227,000
Washington 698 10,000 W W 28 298 266 11,900 1,020 22,800
West Virginia W W W W -- -- 9,100 102,000 14,300 156,000
Wisconsin -- -- 370 4,730 -- -- 13,500 91,100 18,700 124,000
Wyoming 789   1,740   --   --   --   --   W   W   2,940   14,700
Total 53,400 251,000 8,650 93,000 17,400 118,000 284,000 2,710,000 XX XX
Total withheld 23,300   156,000   1,570   23,500   9,650   75,700   203,000   2,190,000   XX   XX
Grand total   76,700   407,000   10,200   117,000   27,000   194,000   487,000   4,910,000   921,000   9,150,000
W Withheld to avoid disclosing company proprietary data; included in -Total withheld.-- XX Not applicable. -- Zero.
1Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2A significant amount of sold or used material was shipped in from other States.
3Withheld to avoid disclosing company proprietary data; included in -Grand total.-

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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